Taking a consumer item from a store shelf, I encounter plastic material carefully designed to attract attention. Sold for one-time use, it fulfills its function and gets cast away.
The material fascinates me with its reflections, colors, transparency and shadows. Instead of tossing the plastic bottles, they come to my studio with a new purpose. For me it is like a loving conversation with friends.
Acclimation, 48"x36", Oil on board, 2024
Foot Prints, 60"x36", Oil on canvas, 2012
Companions, 12"x12", Oil on board, 2019
Empty Vessels, 12"x12", Oil on board, 2019
Descending, 48"x36", Oil on board, 2013
Half Full, 12"x12", Oil on board, 2019
Changed Landscape, 34"x23", Acrylic ink on synthetic paper, 2012
When I sculpted garments of polyvinyl material, I found inspiration for a series of drawings and paintings.
Double Take, Oil on board, 12"x12" ea, 2014
Polyscape, 29"x23", Acrylic ink on synthetic paper, 2014
Duality II, 72"60", Acrylic ink on synthetic paper, 2011
Family Portrait, 36"x60", Pencil/graphite on synthetic paper, 2013
Rift, 36"x36", Pencil/graphite on synthetic paper, 2012
Accessory, 23"x17", Ink on synthetic paper, 2011
Duality I, 72"x60", Acrylic ink on synthetic paper, 2011
X-Ray Vision, 72"x60", Acrylic ink on synthetic paper, 2011
Empress' Coat, 60"x43", Oil on synthetic paper, 2014
Accumulator, 34"x23", Ink on synthetic paper, 2011
Pinup, 23"x17", Ink on synthetic paper, 2012
Yellow Jacket, 3"x2.5", Acrylic ink on synthetic paper, 2014
Little Dress, 34"x12"x8", Polyvinyl,fibric, plastic bags, 2011
Modern Armor, 82"x70"x5", Polyvinyl, 2014
Empress's Coat, 86"x72"x6", Polyvinyl, 2011
Sunflowers - Remembrance - Lustre - Nature - Old Bottles / New Clothes - Narrative - Sketches - Brush Drawing - Home